Use Case & Terms of makerz NFTs

makerz NFTs adapted to changing market conditions, with their prices and reward rates subject to change. However, when a Makerz NFT is purchased, an agreement is reached on the price and rate displayed on it, which cannot be altered.

Key points of this system are as follows:

  1. Market Adaptation: Makerz NFTs are adapted to market conditions, allowing their prices and reward rates to be variable.

  2. Agreed Price and Rates: When a makerz NFT is purchased, an agreement is reached on the price and rates displayed on it, ensuring that the buyer is not affected by changing market conditions.

  3. Hedging: Kanonik Trade team hedges the purchase of a makerz NFT, ensuring that the agreed-upon price and rates are fulfilled.

  4. Payment Guarantee: When the agreed-upon price and rates are reached, the makerz team makes the payment to the wallet. This guarantees the buyer's safety. makerz NFTs provide buyers with a secure way to make purchases despite changing market conditions.

MakerZ NFT Terms

Fee : Represents the price of the NFT you want to purchase.

Return : Represents the airdrop you will receive when the NFT you purchased reaches the target price.

CLAIM : Indicates the conditions under which your NFT has won.

DATE : Indicates the validity period of your NFT and the time of the airdrop.

X : Indicates the Risk / Reward ratio.

Close Above: The requirement for the price to close at or above the target price at the end of the specified time.

HIT-ONCE: The condition where the price only needs to touch the target price once within the specified time frame.

Close Below: The requirement for the price to close at or below the target price at the end of the specified time.

Range : The condition where the price needs to stay within a specified range (between two prices) at the end of the specified time.

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